Apprentice payments are you eligible
Apprentice payments are you eleigible?
NOT4SALE Campaign webpage and links
Not4Sale Campaign links and info
Rio Tinto's Gove redundancies absolute disgrace
ETU condemns Rio Tinto's Gove redundancies
Time to check in with your super
Cbus Super committed to members for the long term
Cbus committed to members for the long term
Reasons To Vote Yes in Voice Referendum Published
May Day 2023
International Workers' Memorial Day 28 April 2023
IWMD 2023 Friday April 28 Events
2023 May Day events
May Day events across the state and territory
Unions Launch Yes Campaign for Voice Referendum
Unions Launch Yes Campaign
Vale Actorvist and Comrade Tony Barry
RIP Tony Barry
Just passed! Secure Jobs Better Pay Bill
Huge union win for council worker
We had an ETU member take up an Internal Adult Apprenticeship at a local council. Custom and practice at this council was that workers maintain their wage when they start an adult apprenticeship.
Jason Constable receives Highly Commended in Apprentice of the Year
Congratulations to Jason Constable
Turning the sod on Electrogroup's Renewable Energy Training facility
Today we turned the sod on the new Electrogroup Renewable Energy Training Facility in Pinkenba.
Statement in support of the CFMMEU Victoria
The Electrical Trades Union (ETU) condemns the violent attack on the CFMEU office in Melbourne this week.
Queensland legislates Voluntary Assisted Dying
Tonight, the Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) Bill passed through Queensland parliament.
Ariah, Ezra, and Hannah take home Emma Miller award
Congratulations to Ariah, Ezra, and Hannah on receiving Emma Miller awards.
ETU National response to BHP mandating vaccines
ETU National response to BHP mandating vaccines from ETU Divisional Secretary Allen Hicks.
Acknowledging the anniversary of the Wave Hill Walk Off
On 23 August 1966, 200 Gurindji stockworkers, domestic workers and their families took strike action at Wave Hill station in the Northern Territory.
COVID-19 vaccine statement
The ETU encourages all Members to get the COVID-19 vaccination if and when you are eligible.
ETU Celebrates Chris McGaw's Working Life And Wishes Him a Happy Retirement
ETU Celebrates Chris McGaw's Working Life And Wishes Him A Happy Retirement
March4Justice Brisbane 15 March 2021
ETU supports March4Justice Against Sexual Violence, Assault & Harassment
ETU Launches Sign Up An Apprentice And Get $50 Campaign
ETU National has launched a sign up an Apprentice campaign
Greg Harris 3rd Feb Funeral & Memorial details
RIP Comrade Greg Harris
ETU Launches Stop The Bus Campaign
ETU National has Launched the Stop The Bus Campaign
Merry Christmas to all members, their loved ones and families. Christmas break
Officers and Staff of the ETU wish all Members, their families and loved ones, happy holidays, a Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year.
Anti Racism, Pro Diversity Video
The ETU Qld NT Branch proudly presents this important message of solidarity, we have launched our new Facebook Page.
When Domestic and Family Violence Comes to Work - Webinars
Domestic and Family Violence is a Workplace Issue
Hannah Watts Named National Apprentice Of The Year 2020
Hannah Watts named Apprentice of the Year
ETU Steps Up For Strong Women Challenge
Strong Women Challenge
Election results show solid Labor majority
Election results show Labor with solid majority
Vale Peter Simpson - A True Comrade
RIP Simmo
Women Of Steel Movie Released &Nominated for Award
Women in Steel Documentary released
Sign Up a Mate and Win a Hoodie
Sign Up a Mate and Win!!
Copy of Sign Up a Mate and Win a Hoodie
Federal Court Casual Labour Decision 20 May 2020
Important Federal Court Decision re: Casual Workers
Industrial Manslaughter Offence Extended to Queensland Miners
Industrial Manslaughter extended to Queensland Miners
National Apprentice of the Year Nominations open
National Apprentice of the Year Nominations Open
Impact Of COVID-19
Important news regarding the Impact of COVID-19
Members urged to reject Protech Labour Hire Agreement
Members urged to reject Protech Labour Hire Agreement.
ETU Members Tell DP World Get This EBA Done
ETU Members tell DP World "Get The EBA Done!!"
ETU Youth Crew Food Drive Great Success
ETU YOUTH CREW Food Drive Great Success.
Gold Coast Contracting EBA Meeting 5-12-19
IT'S TIME CONTRACTING EBA 2020. Gold Coast Mass Meeting 5/12/19
Brisbane Contracting EBA Meeting 5-12-19
IT'S TIME CONTRACTING EBA 2020. Brisbane Mass Meeting 5/12/19
Start planning for 2020 download your Contracting/Construction EBA RDO Calendar here.
Vintage Reds Retired Unionists Network
The Vintage Reds Group heard a powerful presentation from Thomas Mayor about the importance of the Uluru Statement From the Heart this morning
Cairns and Hinterland Hospital & Health Services 9 Day Fortnight Trial Update
Cairns Hospital & Hinterland Hospital and Health Service continue to be obstructionist on almost every issue our members raise.
Notice to Members re: Intention to Apply for Exemption from Election
More than $1.7 M won for ETU members who were initially offered just $18K between them!
ALP affiliation reaps rewards at State Conference
At the 2019 ETU QLD Biennial Conference after much debate, we as a Union voted to re-affiliate with the ALP and The Left
ENERGEX members angry over parking fines for emergency response vehicles in BCC area
More than 60 ETU members from ENERGEX, Brisbane Central depots Voted up a resolution this morning
Qld Mining Reset – Update
If you work in the Queensland Mining Industry please take the time to follow the link
Community Rally and BBQ for striking OI Union Members
Community Rally and BBQ for striking OI Union Members. COME JOIN US
A copy of the Australian Electoral Commission post-election report
A copy of the Declaration of Results Election 2019 Uncontested Offices can be viewed here.
33rd Biennial Conference great success
The ETU QLD NT 33rd Biennial Conference was held in Brisbane last week, the Conference is the primary decision making forum for Members across the State and NT. More than 140 Delegates, Officials and guests attended this years conference which has be
May Day details around the State and Territory
May Day Celebrations 2019 ALICE SPRINGS: MONDAY, 6 MAY – March: meet The Gap Road Memorial Car Park at 9:00 am BLACKWATER: MONDAY, 6 MAY – March: 8:00am for 9:00am start | Cnr Mackenzie and Littlefield St
Election Special Reports – Commentary, Candidate Profiles, Compare the Pair and more
The 2019 Federal Election will be fought on issues close to most Unionist’s hearts, fairness v fat cats, decent wages v more penalty rates cuts and stagnant wages, just transition v climate change denial, Proper Funding and Stability v Cuts and Chaos
Operation Energise ready for Townsville Deployment
The ETU will launch its periodic Operation Energise initiative on from the 18th February when crews of volunteer qualified electricians will perform electrical safety checks and remedial connections for those hit by the flooding disaster in Townsvill
Change The Rules Election Year Kick Offs – details
FORDE: 7PM Monday 18 February 2019 Beenleigh Bowls Club 11 Hanover Street, Beenleigh ACTU Organiser: John Denny email: [email protected] mob: 0407 864 096 Guests: ACTU President Michele O’Neil and QCU Assistant General Secretary Michael Clifford
Banking Royal Commission Reports
For all the findings of the Banking Royal Commission download the reports here.
Change the Rules welcome for Morrison – Stop the Cuts and Chaos Change the Rules
Around thirty Union members gave PM Morrison and his hapless Cabinet Ministers a “Change The Rules” welcome outside the Brothers Rugby Club in Brisbane on Tuesday. Not a bad effort with less than 2 hours notice.
Hot off the Press ETU QLD NT Construction Brochure 2019
New Hot off the Press ETU QLD NT Construction Brochure, ready to download now
ETU QLD NT International Youth Scholarship 2019
International Youth Scholarship 2019 Applications are now open for this prestigious scholarship – applications close 28 Feb 2019 OVERVIEW The ETU overseas scholarship will provide an ETU Member with the opportunity to broaden their vocational horizon
Huge crowd attends Change the Rules Rally in Brisbane.
An Estimated 15,000 to 20,000 workers, their families and community members took to the streets of Brisbane on November 20, bringing the city to a halt as they marched from Emma Miller Place to the Fair Work Commission on Eagle St.
Change the Rules Rally in Brisbane Tues 20 November 12.30pm Emma Miller Place Roma St
ETU State Secretary Peter Ong is calling for workers and their families to hit the streets of Brisbane on 20 November for the biggest rally since Workchoices, we need to send a message, “The Rules are Broken and we won’t stop until they are fixed”
Change the Rules Latest – New Ad and Rally Details
New Change the Rules ad that has hit the airways as of last night. Let's take action to Change The Rules The CEO's pay is going up, companies are making huge profits. But they won't give us a pay rise that keeps up with the cost of living.
Wiring Rules Roadshow Dates and Times For ETU Members
Wiring Rules Roadshow Oct to Nov 2018 around the State. The ETU and the Master Electrician are convening roadshows throughout the State to provide members an update to changes to the Wiring Rules Proudly sponsored by JETCO
Proud ETU Members Recognised With Emma Miller Awards
Marnie Scobie (R)”Strong, Committed, Role Model” and Sarah Brunton (L) “Adaptable, Passionate, Knowledgeable” (pictured with State Secretary Peter Ong) – were awarded the ETU’s Emma Miller Awards for 2018 the first such awards presented by the ETU in
Kone Elevators EBA Update – In Principle Agreement – historic Multi Storey Allowance achieved
Kone EBA update – In Principle Agreement reached, the final sticking point re: the entitlement to a Qld first Multi Storey Allowance for Lift Mechanics has finally been agreed.
Energy Super Member forums
Energy Super are having their annual member forums kicking off next month. All forums will commence with registration at 5.30pm and have an anticipated finish time of 8.00pm.
Longman result a good start – we are Changing The Rules
As the dust settles on the Longman By election result which saw the ALP’s Susan Lamb re-elected with a strong 3.7% swing to her on the back of a solid 4% increase in her primary vote to 40%, there is little time for celebration.
Change The Rules ramping up across the State and Territory
The ACTU’s Change The Rules campaign is firing up across the state. The first electoral test of the campaigns message will be in the Longman by-election on 28 July. To get involved in the Longman campaign contact Dan Bessell 0437 184 315 and for all
Cairns Council Workers Strike Over Pay – show your support
Our members are fed up with the attitude of Council management and the tactics used. We call on you to support us in our action tomorrow and come out publicly against the decisions of Council.
ACTU Report Blueprint For Future Jobs
Launched an important report into the future of work. The report “Jobs You Can Count On” Click here which identifies the issues and provides ideas of how to solve them, is a much needed look at work issues from a workers perspective.
Massive turnouts shows ETU members commitment to Change the Rules
From Darwin to the Gold Coast ETU members attended May Day rallies where the the messages were clear – “Malcolm Turnbull and his fools, let’s Vote them out and change the rules” and “What do we do when we are under attack, Stand Up Fight Back”
Rank and File ETU member writes to Hanson
RANK and FILE VOICE Dear Senator Hanson You’ve said, many times, that you stand up for “average Australians”. Well, I’m writing to you to find out where you stand in relation to this rotten federal government and their latest assault on unions and th
It’s that time again. Great cause – Union Aid Abroad, Great prizes 1st prize $8000 Travel Voucher 2nd Prize $1899 Bike and 3rd Book Voucher valued at $500 to get your tickets either go online at or freecall 1800 888 674 or co
Full List of May Day activities 5th-7th and 18th May
Labour Weekend is less than one month away and plans are well in place to make this May Day the biggest in a long time. While the LNP Federal Government continues to govern for and with powerful corporations, working people know they deserve better,
ETU raises concerns about safety on Queensland’s solar farms
he ETU warns that safety is being compromised with unlicensed workers including foreign backpackers being used during construction of some of the state’s largest solar farms.
Change The Rules Ads Launched 11 March 2018
On March 11 The ACTU launched the biggest advertising campaign in a decade. The message is simple: Big business has too much power and Australians need more secure jobs and a wage rise. We need your help to get this message out there to millions of
ETU farewells Hally, Giddo and Rabbit in style.
On Saturday 3rd March at the ETU Staff Planning weekend the branch formally thanked the recently resigned Glenn Hall (Hally), Craig Giddins (Giddo) and Michael Haire (Rabbit) for their contribution to ETU members and their families, the Union and wor
Important win in QIRC
mportant decision handed down by Queensland Industrial Relations Commission By Hall Payne LawyersMarch 1, 2018Latest News, Industrial Relation On 21 February 2018 the Full Bench of the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission handed down its decisi
Labour Hire and Turnbull Killing Our Industry and Tearing Communities Apart
Combating the scourge of Labour Hire will be front and centre of rallies and protests in coming months with Scabby the Rat due to make a few visits. Insecure work is becoming the rule not the exception with estimates that 40% of all jobs are now casu
Power prices tipped to fall for regional Queenslanders
Media Statements Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy The Honourable Dr Anthony Lynham Wednesday, February 28, 2018 Power prices tipped to fall for regional Queenslanders Electricity prices are flagged to drop in regional Queensland by up
Thanks Comrades, Energex and Ergon crews do themselves proud
As State Secretary of the mighty ETU, I couldn’t be prouder of the Ergon and Energex crews who have worked in atrocious conditions to get the power back on after last Sunday’s storm. Here’s some facts. There were more than 265,000 lightning strikes,
Political donations data makes interesting reading
With the debate intensifying around the Turnbull Government’s proposal to give $63billion in corporate tax cuts, it’s interesting to see where political parties get their money.
Major companies avoid tax while CEO’s enjoy bloated salaries
While the Federal LNP Government continues to push for its $63b worth of corporate tax cuts there is increasing evidence that the cuts will do little to nothing to improve wages for working Australian’s.
ETU outraged at ABCC Eureka Flag ban
Outraged at attempt to ban Eureka flags and Union mottos Queensland’s Electrical Trades Union acting Secretary Peter Ong has joined the growing chorus of opposition to the latest ABCC Building Code directive which outlaws the displaying of the Eureka
Operation Energise honoured at Parliament House
Volunteers and Supporters of this year’s Operation Energise campaign were honoured at State Parliament today by Government MPs Mark Bailey and Shane King.
Fallen workers remembered at International Workers’ Memorial Day 2017
International Workers’ Memorial Day was held at Emma Miller Place in Brisbane today, with ETU Deputy State Secretary Peter Ong delivering the closing address. Mr Ong spoke at length about a triple fatality he witnessed on a work site as a 15-year-old
One Song One Union: CD launch and benefit concert
Phil Monsour’s latest CD One Song One Union will be launched in May, featuring a song inspired by the Electrical Trades Union’s Not4Sale campaign. The launch of the new CD will held on May 27 at at Kurilpa Hall, in West End at 7pm.
May Day 2017
There were great turnouts from ETU Members around Queensland and the Northern Territory for May Day celebrations this year. Below are some of the photos from Members celebrating around Union
Donate to Simmo vs Melanoma
Want to help ETU Queensland and NT State Secretary Peter Simpson in his battle against Stage 4 Melanoma? Simmo will be taking part in the Melanoma March at Coolangatta on the 26th of March to raise funds for the Melanoma Institute of Australia’s Mela
AFULE Members vote in support of ETUQ merger
The merger of Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Employees (AFULE) State Union and the ETUQ State Union has been overwhelmingly supported by AFULE Members. A ballot of AFULE Members closed on March 13.
Enough is Enough rally
Unions rally in Brisbane and on the Gold Coast as part of nationwide rally against Turnbull and Hanson’s anti-worker attacks Thousands of Unionists turned out in Brisbane as part of a National Rally in March to tell Malcolm Turnbull that Australians
ETU Victoria thanks Queensland and NT Members and Officials for ‘critical’ CUB55 support
ETU Victoria State Secretary Troy Gray has formally thanked the Queensland and NT branch for its support during the CUB55 dispute. In a letter to Acting State Secretary Peter Ong, Mr Gray said the “unrelenting solidarity” of Queensland Members and Of
2022 ACTU Budget Briefing document